Separate UNNA into two syllables:
UN de Bruna: 41 years old; mother of two girls aged 7 and 2; partner of a German-born architect; has a black cat. She is the restless and creative mind that designs tirelessly.
Nathalia's NA: 49 years old; mother of an 18-year-old girl; partner of a Galician manager; has a white dog. She is the calm and reflective part that manages the commercial side.
What are we like?
They are very different from each other, but we don't see it as something negative. On the contrary. Our intention is to show that a single garment not only dresses but also contributes, respecting the style of each person regardless of their age, tastes and size.
What do we agree on?
If we are asked what our most important facet is, we both know very clearly that it is motherhood. We both have girls whom we raise to be independent and strong, respecting each one's way of being so that they know how to find their place.
We love them above all else, but we need to continue developing our professional side within the world of fashion, to which we have always dedicated ourselves, working for small and large companies. Between all of them, we have learned the good, the bad and the average of the sector and that is why we know that we are very prepared for this personal project to be Our Moment. That's it. In capital letters!
For us, this is not just a job. It is a passion, a vocation, an identity and a way of expressing ourselves that has accompanied us both throughout our lives and to which we have always dedicated ourselves.
In short, two different UNNA women, the same collection. Our own.
I'm sure you're UNNA of us.
The UNNA woman is interested in what surrounds her on a social, political and cultural level and is confident in defending her ideals as well as her style because she has gained confidence over the years and is tired of being displaced by a social trend that undervalues a woman when she passes the barrier close to 40. She is a woman who is a mother or not (by her own choice), who is married or not (by her own choice) and who knows she is independent because she has made an effort to be so. She is a strong woman to defend what she believes and defend herself from toxic opinions and sensitive to injustice, achieving a balance that makes her feel serene in the world around her. She needs to transmit this strong personality with her clothes and she does not mind going beyond what is aesthetically correct established by the indications of an algorithm.
We dress all women, but we especially encourage those our age to let themselves go.